News & Research

Harnessing Your Endocrine System to Naturally Support Energy and Confidence

Learn what it means to have masculine energy and how it plays a role in attraction in dating. Discover the connection between testosterone, masculinity and high sperm counts, and how to boost your levels naturally for improved confidence and assertiveness.

The Link Between Personal Care Items and Cancer: What Everyone Should Know

Discover the latest research on the connection between personal care items and cancer, and learn how to make informed choices to reduce your risk. This comprehensive guide is a must-read for any man concerned about his health.

Fundamentals: Why Your Athletic Performance is Being Hampered by Endocrine Disruptors

As athletes, we are constantly looking for ways to improve our performance and take our training to the next level. We invest in the best equipment, hire top coaches, and make sure to eat a balanced diet. But what if I told you that there is something else that could...